Assignment: Two significant topics within the area of social influence
Assignment: Two significant topics within the area of social influence include conformity and obedience. This assignment will explore these topics through the perspectives of two great social theorists: Stanley Milgram (1933–1984) and Solomon Asch (1907–1996). Please complete Parts I, II, and III.
Part I: Conformity
- Provide a formal definition of conformity.
- Provide a bit of biographical background on Solomon Asch.
- Describe his famous 1950s conformity experiment.
- What did you learn from this study?
Part II: Obedience
- Provide a formal definition of obedience.
- Provide a bit of biographical background on Stanley Milgram.
- Describe his famous 1961 obedience experiment.
- What did you learn from this study?
Part III: Application in today’s world
- Given the changes in society and social influence since the 1950s and 1960s, do you believe these findings would be the same if the experiments were replicated today? Explain why.
You must cite two sources for this assignment. Sources must be properly cited using APA format.
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