Article #2: Global Perspective




Assignment Name: Global Perspective Article
Purpose: Construct an evidence-based argumentative history paper

  • Produce argumentative, thesis-driven, and evidence-based academic papers.
  • Construct an evidence-based argument that integrates multiple perspectives related to a topic in the history of South Africa. (Global Perspective)


  • Assess key events, central themes, and questions pertaining to South African history.


Write a minimum 500-word article you will construct an evidence-based argument that integrates multiple perspectives on a topic related to your Travel Guidebook. (Global Perspective)

This is a perspective article. The primary purpose of this perspective essay is to accurately and fairly present the views of multiple people or groups and provide adequate support for those views using concrete examples. Note: you are not being asked to “choose a side” here. The goal is to understand the motivations, thoughts, and actions of two or more groups or people.

Let’s use the same Soweto / Apartheid topic example from the last article assignment. For a Travel Guide topic “Taking a Stand in Soweto” you would want to use this article assignment to write a paper that examines multiple perspectives on an issue related to apartheid in Soweto. One way of doing this would be to choose a primary source that provoked reactions from multiple groups. In this example, one might choose the Afrikaans Medium Decree (Links to an external site.) passed in 1974 that decreed the use of Afrikaans and English in all schools. Such an article would then analyze the different perspectives on this decree by schoolchildren, public figures, and government officials.

Some other ways to approach this assignment can be:

– Choosing an event to analyze from multiple perspectives

– Analyze different perspectives on a custom or practice.

– Analyze different approaches to solving a problem.

Many of you have received specific recommendations on how to tailor your topic to this assignment written in your topic proposal comments. I strongly recommend reviewing them prior to beginning this paper, and making an appointment to discuss further if necessary. 

Make sure your paper begins with an introduction, continues with body paragraphs, and ends with a brief conclusion. Your introduction must feature a straightforward thesis statement that identifies your historical argument. The thesis for this paper will depend on how you approach the topic, but the thesis should in all cases be a debatable claim with logical reasons of support. Your body paragraphs need to begin with topic sentences that establish a connection to your argument. Each body paragraph must contain support from reliable and/or scholarly sources that are properly cited using footnotes.

Double-space all text (except for footnote text). Use margins of one inch on each side of each page. Indent the first line of each paragraph.

Your paper must be at least 500 words, but should be as long as necessary to effectively answer the prompt. Paginate the paper throughout and include a word count at the end.

Submit as a Microsoft Word or PDF file.

Format your paper in accordance with the standards of the Chicago Manual of Style (Links to an external site.). Identify all directly and indirectly cited content with the aid of proper footnotes (Links to an external site.).

Submit the paper to Canvas by the date indicated. Please and by all means heed what the syllabus states with regard to academic honesty (particularly plagiarism) and late submissions.

Papers that are off-topic and/or do not match the topic of your proposal will not be graded. They will will receive a “0” score until they are rewritten to conform with the topic of your guidebook, with the regular late penalties applied until resubmission.

Criteria for Evaluation:

30% Overall Impression

(Innovative, clear, and strong ideas. Displayed an excellent grasp of the material. Demonstrated mastery of the content, application, and implications. Directly addresses main question, issue, or prompt and adds new insight to the subject.)

30% Argument & Support

(Contains a clear argument. Provides proper, compelling, and accurate evidence. The importance/relevance of evidence is clearly stated. No gaps in reasoning – the reader does not need to make any assumptions or conduct additional research to accept main argument.)

15% Sources & Citations

(Evidence is used from a wide range of sources, including lectures and course readings. All evidence is properly cited in footnotes or endnotes.)

15% Organization

(Essay contains an introduction, main body, and conclusion. Introduction lays out main argument and gives reader a sense of what to expect in the paper. The conclusion brings everything together, acknowledges the shortcomings of the paper, and provides either a connection to broader themes or suggests what further work might be done to advance the subject matter described in the paper.)

10% Clarity & Style

(All sentences are grammatically correct and clearly written. No words are misused. Technical terms, words from other languages, and other historical periods are clearly explained. All information is accurate and up-to-date. Paper has been spell-checked and proofread, and contains no errors.)

  • a year ago
  • 03.06.2021
  • 10
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Dr. Michelle_KM

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