



Exp19 PowerPoint Ch02 HOEAssessment Wedding



Project Description:

You are asked to develop a presentation that will be used to promote La Belle Fleurs, a wedding planning service. Potential clients include prospective brides, grooms, and their families. Using accepted design principles, the presentation is developed to include shapes, animation, transitions, and video.


Start PowerPoint.   Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch02_HOEAssessment_Wedding.pptx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Replace Student Name on Slide 1 with Mary   Albert.   Change the title font to Arial.


Contrast is one of   the main design principles used in a presentation to direct focus and aid in   readability. You adjust the formatting of the font used in the presentation   so there is better contrast.
Click Slide 2, select the title, and change the font to Arial. Change the   size to 72Change the Font color to Brown, Text 1, Lighter   10%. Double-click the Format Painter button. Apply the   formatting to the titles for Slide 3 through Slide 7. Press ESC.


You begin to prepare   for adding objects that will enhance the presentation’s message to some of   the slides by deleting a couple of placeholders. These will not be needed   once the objects are added. You also adjust the formatting of the font on the   slides.
Click Slide 3 and select the left content placeholder border. Change the Font   color to Brown, Text 1. Repeat for Slide 5. Delete the image on Slide 5.


This slide is   enhanced by using the alignment design principle to bring the email address   closer to the phrase Contact us.   The font formatting should be adjusted as well.
Click Slide 7. Select the email address   and then click Align Right in the Paragraph group. Select Contact us at: and change the size to   44. Change the Font color to Brown, Text 1.


You add a heart shape   to enhance the message of the slide. Then the heart will be filled with a   picture of a wedding cake. Some additional text will be added to the slide to   finish the message.
Click Slide 5 and delete the right content placeholder. Click the Insert tab.   Click Shapes in the Illustration group. Click the Heart in the Basic Shapes   group and then click in the right side of the slide.


Size the heart to a   height of 5.5” and a width of 5.5”. Position it Horizontally at 7.45” from Top Left corner   and Vertically 1.75” from Top Left Corner. Click   Shape Fill in the Shape Styles group, and then click Picture. Click From a File and   navigate to where you have your files stored. Click Cake.jpg and click Insert.
Click Compress Pictures in the Adjust group on the Picture Format tab. In the   Compress Pictures dialog box, with Use default resolution selected, click OK.


Begin a new paragraph   beneath the current paragraph and type For you to choose in the left Content   placeholder on Slide 5.


Animation is added to   the email address to emphasize it.
Click Slide 7, select the email address, and then click the Animations tab.   Click More in the Animation group and then click Random Bars in the Entrance   category.


Select the email   address again and click Add Animation in the Advanced Animation group. Click   Bold Reveal in the Emphasis category.


Animation is added to   the new phrase on this slide to control how it appears on the slide. This   helps to focus how the audience receives the message of the slide.
Click Slide 5 and select For you to   choose. Click More on the Animations tab and then click More Entrance   Effects. Click Expand in the Subtle category. Click OK.


You continue to add   and adjust animations used on several slides in the presentation. The goal is   to add interest to the presentation and keep the audience’s attention on the   slides.
Click Slide 2 and select the text in the content placeholder. On the   Animations tab, in the Animation group, click More, and then click More   Entrance Effects. Click Fade in the Subtle category. Click OK. Change the   Font color to Brown, Text 1.


Select the content   placeholder on Slide 2. Click the Effect Options Dialog Box Launcher to   display the Fade dialog box. Click the Animate text arrow and click By word.


Click the Timing tab.   Click the Start arrow and then click After Previous. Set the Delay to 0.75   seconds   and the Duration to 2 seconds (Medium). Click OK.


Click Slide 5 and   select the phrase For you to choose.   Set the Start to After Previous. Click the Delay arrow in the Timing group to   reach 00.75.


Click Slide 7 and then click the   content placeholder. Click the Animations tab. Click Animation Pane in the Advanced   Animation group. Click the second Exploring2019 arrow (for Bold Reveal   Emphasis). Click Start After Previous.


Click Slide 6. Drag the right edge   of the third timeline bar in the Animation Pane to the left until the   ScreenTip displays End: 8.4s. Drag the right edge of the fourth timeline bar   the left until the ScreenTip displays End: 11.4s.
Note, Mac users, set the duration of the Fade animation for the third hexagon   to 5.4 seconds, and the duration for the fourth hexagon to 3 seconds.


Click Slide 2 and   click the content placeholder. Adjust the Delay arrow to 01.00.


You apply a   transition to all the slides in the presentation to create visual interest   and re-focus the audience attention as each new slide displays during the   presentation.
Click the Transitions tab and click More in the Transition to This Slide   group. Click Push under Subtle. Click Apply to All in the Timing group.


Select the Slide 1   thumbnail, click the Effect Options arrow in the Transitions to This Slide   group, and then select From Left. Click On Mouse Click in the Timing group to   deselect it. Click After and set it to 00:02.00. Click Apply to All.


Video engages the   audience’s emotions and helps to reinforce the message of your presentation.   This helps the audience remember the message of the presentation, so you add   one on this slide.
Select Slide 3. Click the right content placeholder. Click the Insert Video   icon. Navigate to where you have your file stored and insert the Violins.mp4 video.


You use the Playback   and Format tabs to adjust the video’s properties.
Click Move Forward 0.25 Seconds on the Media Controls bar located beneath the   video to advance the video to the frame at 1.50 seconds. Click the Poster   Frame in the Adjust group on the Format tab, and then click Current Frame.


Click Video Shape in   the Video Styles group and click Hexagon in the Basic Shapes category. Click   Video Effects, point to Shadow, and then click Perspective: Lower Left in the Perspective   category.


Select the video   object, click the Playback tab, and then click Trim Video in the Editing   group. Drag the red End Time marker on the slider until 00:03.000 displays in   the End Time box. Click OK. Click the Start arrow in the Video Options group   and select Automatically. Click the Loop until Stopped check box in the Video   Options group to select it.
Note, Mac users, skip the instruction to trim the video, however, set the   other options.


You check the   presentation to make sure all of the changes you have made work as you   designed them to work. Then you compress the media to reduce the overall file   size of the presentation.
Click the Slide Show tab and click From Beginning in the Start Slide Show   group. Press ESC. Click the File tab, and then click Compress Media. Select   Standard (480p).


Save and close Exp_PPT_Ch02_HOEAssessment_Wedding_solution.pptx.   Exit PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed.

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