1. Submit your solutions to the specific questions below, electronically via Canvas.
1. Submit your solutions to the specific questions below, electronically via Canvas. To upload your solution, go to our Canvas page, select the ‘Assignments’ folder on the left, choose Exam II, and click on “View Details and Submit.” Once you have attached the file, please, click SUBMIT. Clicking SAVE AND EXIT is not enough! Please, do not e-mail me your assignments. 2. Please, use the attached Excel template for your solutions. 3. You must submit your solution by 11:55 p.m. on Monday, April 5, 2021. Late submissions are not accepted. 4. Please, submit just ONE file. You do NOT have to submit .docx or .pdf files along with your Excel file. 5. Exams are individual assignments, and are not supposed to be done in groups. 1. (5 points) The 6 1 4 T-bond (US) of August 15, 2023, was priced on March 28, 2014 to yield 2.551% to maturity. What was the quoted price (in dollars per hundred dollars of face value)? If you had bought the bond, how much would you have been invoiced? State the quoted price in hundreds and 32nds. Note that you are required to compute the bond’s price and accrued interest both using, and not using, Excel’s PRICE() an ACCRINT() functions. Plot the price-yield relationship for the bond. To do that, compute a set of bond’s clean prices for different yields-to-maturity in cells E2:F42. To answer this question, use the spreadsheet tabbed “Bond Pricing” in the attached file. 2. (5 points) The spreadsheet tabbed “Bond Data” contains US bond data from the Wall Street Journal on March 15, 2014. For each bond, find the dates of previous and next coupon payments (relative to March 15, 2014), the number of days in the coupon period, the number of days elapsed since the last coupon payment, the accrued interest, and the invoice price. Compute the yield-to-maturity for each bond. 3. (5 points) Given the information on the spreadsheet tabbed “Bond Data,” find the price for a corporate 81 8 US bond of March 15, 2017 on March 15, 2014. The static spread for the bond is perceived by investors to be 3.5%. To do that, first find a set of zero prices and spot rates on coupon payment dates for the bond, and then use the method of replicating portfolios. Find the yield-to-maturity for the bond.2 To answer this question, use the spreadsheet tabbed “Corporate Bond” in the attached file. 4. (5 points) Given the information on the spreadsheet tabbed “Bond Data,” which of the following two bonds is perceived by investors to be riskier (as measured by the static spread)? a. 3 1 4 corporate bond (US) of September 15, 2016 traded at 101 5 32 on March 15, 2014. b. 1 6 8 corporate bond (US) of September 15, 2015 traded at 9917 32 on March 15, 2014. Find the yield-to-maturity for both bonds. To answer this question, use the spreadsheet tabbed “Static Spread” in the attached
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