Module 2 is all about the Value of Relationships
Module 2 is all about the Value of Relationships. It focuses on how we can actually measure or quantify the value that a customer has to a company.
Question 1. Go to the American Customer Satisfaction Index website and click on ACSI Industries. Select an industry you are interested in. Within that industry, select a company you consider you are loyal to. You will need to click on ‘Benchmarks’ to access the actual company information.
a) Name the industry and company you chose.
b) What are the ACSI scores for the industry and the company?
c) What are the trends over the years of this company compared to other companies in this industry?
d) Discuss two (2) observations or insights you have, like what did you learn or why do you think the trends are the way they are?
Question 2. Refer to slide 10 of Unit 2. What level of loyalty do you have for the company you chose? Explain your answer. You can also refer to slide 3 of Unit 3 to help you develop your response.
Question 3. Discuss how loyalty programs can differ for consumer customers (B2C) vs business customers (B2B). Give us two examples, one of a B2B and one of a B2C company that implements these loyalty strategies.
Question 4: State a thought-provoking question you have about differentiation or CRM in general. Don’t ask it if the answer can be easily found in the course material!
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."