Please watch Peter Saul’s video “Let’s talk about dying” by clicking on this link:
Please watch Peter Saul’s video “Let’s talk about dying” by clicking on this link:
Then, write a post of at least 150 words that reflects on your views of the following: What is your response to the speaker’s message that how a person in the healthcare system dies matters? Should communication with a patient only center around treatment, or should there also be a conversation about patient wishes if treatment fails? Should there be a difference if it is an acute illness versus a long term, terminal disease? When should those conversations occur? What role do healthcare providers play in facilitating those conversations between patients and their families? What role do healthcare providers play in reducing the stigma of talking about death in our society?
As a reminder, your response should be yours i.e. do not copy/paste & do not type what you find in a book or website. Write your response in your own words.
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