July 2022

Select two (2) of the following prompts to answer

Select two (2) of the following prompts to answer Select two (2) of the following prompts to answer. Each answer is required to be 1-2 typed and double-spaced pages. You should consider lectures, discussions, class texts and current events in your answers. SUPPORT YOUR ANSWERS WITH EXAMPLES. I.  While California’s legislature is the most professional state legislature in the […]

Select two (2) of the following prompts to answer Read More »

2-2 Short Paper: State and Federal Judges Instructions

2-2 Short Paper: State and Federal Judges Instructions 2-2 Short Paper: State and Federal Judges Instructions Compare and contrast the roles, qualifications, and duties of state judges and federal judges. Using your research, create job descriptions for state judges and federal judges. Which do you think has a more difficult job and why? Consider in

2-2 Short Paper: State and Federal Judges Instructions Read More »

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