July 2022

*LM 2-Current Liabilities and Payroll (ACCT1105 Financial Accounting)

*LM 2-Current Liabilities and Payroll (ACCT1105 Financial Accounting) *LM 2-Current Liabilities and Payroll (ACCT1105 Financial Accounting) Top of Form 1. Explain your understanding of the following a. Long-term liabilities b. Current liabilities c. Account payable d. Notes payable 2. Define the concept of payroll and state why payroll is important 3. Explain the following: a. Salary b. […]

*LM 2-Current Liabilities and Payroll (ACCT1105 Financial Accounting) Read More »

Describe the different types of customers and why this information

Describe the different types of customers and why this information Describe the different types of customers and why this information is important in determining customers’ needs. Discussion Instructions (Initial Post is Require before “Viewing” Peer Posts):  You are required to submit a substantial response. A substantial response is one that stays on topic and fully

Describe the different types of customers and why this information Read More »

identify an endangered species of your choice and then provide some specific information about it

identify an endangered species of your choice and then provide some specific information about it identify an endangered species of your choice and then provide some specific information about it.  As a starting point to identify an endangered species, you might want to visit the US Fish and Wildlife Service list of Endangered Species at www.fws.gov/endangered/­ or the International Union for

identify an endangered species of your choice and then provide some specific information about it Read More »

The Federal Budget and how it gets made is a complex and lengthy  process

The Federal Budget and how it gets made is a complex and lengthy  process The Federal Budget and how it gets made is a complex and lengthy  process that has important implications for Federal, State and Local agencies. Funding for each agency is going to affect that  agency’s budget. Likewise, federal funding for social programs,

The Federal Budget and how it gets made is a complex and lengthy  process Read More »

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