You have to writing a full thesis for a business plan, the business plan is for a start-up company named (look up),

 You have to writing a full thesis for a business plan, the business plan is for a start-up company named (look up),

You have to writing a full thesis for a business plan, the business plan is for a start-up company named (look up), look up is a social media platform that brings both formal network and entertainment  community together, it is like instagram and linkdin have to write a full business plan for (look-up) detailing every single aspect of the plan from the idea of the platform and briefly saying what your company is and why it will be successful to the rest…

  • Company description. …
  • Market analysis. …
  • Organization and management. …
  • Service or product line. …
  • Marketing and sales. …
  • Demographics
  • Financial plan
  • and more and….ect
  • The required minimum word count for this is 12,000 words, not including references

guides:Word Count: 10,000 to 12,000 words (not including abstract, appendices andreferences);Font: Times New Roman 12.Paper Size: A4Margin Settings: Top 2.54cm, Bottom 2.54cm, Left 3.17cm, Right 3.17cmLine Spacing: Single. Double between paragraphs.Page Numbering: For the sections such as Acknowledgements, Contents and others
AbstractThe thesis should contain an abstract written in 350 words or less. A good abstract isdifficult to write and it can only be completed after the thesis has been written. Itrepresents a brief summary of the research results. The abstract must be transparent,clear, avoiding descriptions and details stated in the core text of the work. Bysummarizing the results of the research, it allows other people to get an idea of what wasaccomplished without having to read through the entire thesis. Other scholars can readan abstract to decide if looking at the full work will be worthwhile.
ConclusionsIn the conclusion, the student should bring together all parts of the thesis bydemonstrating how the initial research plan has been addressed in such a way that theconclusions may be formed from the evidence obtained in the research process. No newmaterial or quotations should be added here. The conclusions should make a statementon the extent to which each of the aims and objectives have been met. The studentsshould bring back their research questions and state clearly the understanding of those

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