One of the main benefits of taking an introductory economics course is gaining
One of the main benefits of taking an introductory economics course is gaining the literacy to stay more plugged into policy debates. The following links are to blogs, investigative news sites, and podcasts run by economists. Use your newfound economic literacy to check them all out and select a post/article/podcast of interest from each link some point in the semester (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). Write 14 responses, one page each. Each response should have three paragraphs: 1) a summary, 2) an explanation of how the topic relates to the course material from this semester, and 3) an analysis about the potential role of government intervention in addressing the issue. Be sure to cite appropriately. Upload to Blackboard in a single document (PDF) by May 9 th at 2pm. Note: I recommend aiming to do one per week to spread the work out!
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