Please read through this attachment documents it must be exactly like the professor

Please read through this attachment documents it must be exactly like the professor

Please read through this attachment documents it must be exactly like the professor instructions or I will ask for full refund

5530 Final Project Please Read The Attached Document
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RESM 5530 – Fall 2021
Looking at the Law Differently Assignment
Assignment Name.   Transforming Information – Looking at the Law Differently
Introduction  &  Purpose.    Sir  William  Bragg,  a  Nobel  prize  winning  physicist,  chemist
and mathematician, once said: “the important thing in science is not so much to obtain
new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.”  This course introduced you
to  new  legal  concepts,  doctrines,  and  principles;  touched  on  select  legal  theories;
demonstrated how the “Law” and legal concepts can (and should) be factor in strategic
decision; and hopefully propelled you to think in new ways about how the law applies to
managing risks in sports, recreation, and events.
This assignment starts with something with which you are familiar – the risk management
process. You will be provided a risk management process from another industry (the U.S.
Army)  to  see  how  the  military  thinks  about  managing  risk  when planning missions  and
It’s  logical  to  ask  “what  does  another  industry  have  to  do  with  sports,  recreation,  or
events?”  But  try  reframing  the  question:  “can  I  learn  from  the  other  industry’s  risk
management process?” Or, “what can I learn from how another industry manages risks?”
In other words, discover new ways of thinking about old things.
Assignment.    Re-read  the  article  “Knowledge,  Creativity  and  Innovation.”    Afterwards,
read Chapter 2 of the U.S. Army Field Manual entitled “Risk Management Process.” Your
assignment is to transform the first seven pages of the chapter from a risk management
process that pertains to the U.S. Army’s combat mission to one that applies to a sports
management, recreation, or events operation that interests you or with which you have
 Starting the Assignment. Select an area that interests you (“area of interest”’).
The operation or experience can be coaching a team or even coaching a particular
position; preparing for a professional draft; preparing for an upcoming University
Interscholastic  League  or  intercollegiate  conference  realignment;  operating  or
managing a recreation facility; developing a fund-raising campaign for a nonprofit
organization;  organizing a major event, etc.
 Develop an Acronym. Identify the potential hazards that are present in the area
of  interest  you  selected  and  develop  an  acronym  that  assists  in  identifying  the
hazards (like the army’s METT-T acronym).  Your acronym must include an “L” for
law(s). In other words, you must identify at least one legal concept that applies to
your area of interest. (Think about the Chen v. MLB and Dallas Wave
assignments). NOTE: You do not have to identify all of the legal concepts, but, you
should be able to identify one or two. You are free to talk to each other or reach
out to me.
 Writing the Paper. To assist you, I have underlined words that are peculiar to the
Army and stricken through the word “military.” (I may have missed a few). Once
you  have  decided  on  the  area  of  interest  and  created  an  acronym,  one  way  to
begin  writing  the  paper  is  to  replace  the  underlined  words  with  ones  that  are
Looking at the Law Differently Assignment
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applicable to the area of interest you have chosen. Or, you may find that some of
the underlined words apply to your area of interest, for example, the word “leader.”
You can use the Figures in the material as they are or modify them; or, you do not
have to use them if they do not apply.
You can transform the seven pages any way you desire as long as it is consistent
with the intent of the assignment.
 Paper Format.  In writing your paper, you can use the same format as the material
you are transforming or develop one that works best for you. It can be from 5-10
pages.  Whatever format you chose:
o use headings as transitions;
o 12-point font;
o Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman font style;
o single-space, and only your product will determine whether it is too short.
(Meaning don’t ask me how short it can be).
Rubric.  You will be graded on your ability to apply the material to your area of interests;
your ability to develop an acronym to identify hazards present in your area; whether you
incorporate “Law” into your acronym; and the organization of your paper.  Again, you can
follow the format in document you are transforming. There are a lot of ways to complete
this  assignment.  Don’t  be  scared,  timid,  or  worse  –  intellectually  lazy.  Be  creative.  Be
innovative. Be Transformative.

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