The Course Project Part 3 is the integration of all the sections
The Course Project Part 3 is the integration of all the sections, including the introduction, conclusion, and Sections A through K. Part 3 should be completely integrated and presented in a logical order, written professionally and free of spelling and grammar errors, and updated with any changes that occurred along the way, including corrections and advice provided by your professor.
Criteria Description Points
Introduction In at least 200 words, explain what you found in this organization that most interests you and what the opportunity for learning is from analyzing them. What are the three most intriguing elements associated with this case? 10
Section A: Background/History Briefly describe the company in the case analysis. What is its primary business? Who were the officers or key players described in the case study? If the case study company is currently in business, list the company’s current CEO, total sales, and profit or loss for the last year where data are available. Identify key events or phases in the company’s history. Describe the performance of this company in the industry (9 points). Exceeds 200 words (3 points) 12
Section B: Mission Locate or estimate the mission of this organization. Analyze it using concepts from Chapter 1 of the textbook in 200 words or more (8 points). Include citations from your outside source (2 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (2 points). 12
Section C: SWOT Create a SWOT analysis using concepts from Chapter 2 of the textbook and an appropriate 2×2 matrix (8 points). Include citations from your outside source (2 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (2 points). 12
Section D: Porter’s Five Forces Analyze the organization’s industry using concepts from the textbook, addressing all five forces in 200 words or more (8 points). Include citations from your outside source (2 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (2 points). 12
Section E: Porter’s Generic Strategies Create an analysis applying Porter’s Generic Strategies to this organization in 200 words or more (8 points). Include citations from your outside source (2 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (2 points). 12
Section F: Life Cycle Create a life cycle analysis using concepts from the textbook to this organization in 200 words or more (8 points). Include citations from your outside source (2 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (2 points). 12
Section G: Porter’s Diamond of National Advantage Apply Porter’s Diamond to the nation and industry of origin of this organization in 200 words or more (8 points). Include citations from your outside source (2 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (2 points). 12
Section H: Entrepreneurial Strategy Analyze the organization’s entrepreneurial strategy using concepts from the textbook in 200 words or more (8 points). Include citations from your outside source (2 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (2 points). 12
Section I: Leadership Create an analysis applying leadership concepts from Chapter 11 to this organization in 200 words or more (9 points). Include citations from your outside source (3 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (3 points). 15
Section J: Ethics Create an analysis applying ethics or CSR concepts from Chapter 11 to this organization in 200 words or more (9 points). Include citations from your outside source (3 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (3 points). 15
Section K: Innovation Create an analysis applying innovation concepts from Chapter 12 to this organization in 200 words or more (9 points). Include citations from your outside source (3 points) and the textbook, including page numbers (3 points). 15
Conclusion Summarize your view of this analysis. What surprised you? What did you learn? What advice would you give this company? Exceeds 200 words 19
Paper/References Use APA format with proper citations and sources. 10
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