The editor of Complex World has been impressed with your previous publication in IND 501
The editor of Complex World has been impressed with your previous publication in IND 501 and has asked you to write a blog about employee engagement. Your blog must be based on recent developments, so you can only use resources published within the last 6 months.
Locate a recent (last six months) credible (discipline-specific publication that is commonly used in the field as a reliable and valid source of information or peer-reviewed source) article/video that explores new insight on employee engagement in the library, professional sites, or the news. Briefly summarize the article or video. Create a definition of employee engagement that is relevant to your area of interest within your discipline. Explain why your definition is pertinent to you.
To learn more about the blog writing process and other considerations, please see the Excelsior OWL. (Links to an external site.)
Assignment Guidelines
IND 502 Blog Posting Rubric
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Progressing Incomplete Not addressed or
Not submitted
30-27 points 26-24 points 23-21 points 20-1 points 0 points
and Reflective
Postings provide
understanding, and
reflective thought
about the topic by
…building a focused
argument around a
specific issue or
…asking a new
related question or
…making an
supported by
personal experience
or related research.
Postings provide
moderate insight,
understanding, and
reflective thought
about the topic.
Minor points require
further development.
Postings provide some
insight, understanding,
and reflective thought
about the topic, but they
are oversimplified and
include minimal details
to support your
explanation. More
details are needed.
Postings show little to no
evidence of insight,
understanding, or
reflective thought about
the topic.
Postings do not stimulate
dialogue and
commentary, and do not
connect with the
Criterion not
addressed. No
Does not
adhere to
30-27 points 26-24 points 23-21 points 20-1 points 0 points
Viewpoint and
Support from
Postings present a
focused and
cohesive viewpoint
that is
substantiated by
effective supporting
examples or links to
relevant, up-to-date
websites or
documents that
enhance the
Postings present a specific viewpoint that is substantiated by supporting examples and links to websites or documents. Not all examples/links enhance the information presented.
Postings present a
specific viewpoint but
lack supporting
examples or links to
websites or documents.
Not all examples/links
enhance the information
presented. The
connections are weak
and need more
Postings present no
specific viewpoint and no
supporting examples or
links to websites or
documents are provided,
or the links selected are of
poor quality and do not
add any value to the
information presented.
Criterion not
addressed. No
Does not
adhere to
Honesty Policy.
20-18 points 17-16 points 15-14 points 13-1 points 0 points
Style and
Postings are written
in a style that is
appealing and
appropriate for the
intended audience. A consistent voice is
evident throughout.
Selects and inserts
high quality graphics and multimedia
when appropriate to enhance the
content’s visual
appeal and increase readability.
Postings are written in a
style that is generally
appropriate for the
intended audience and
an attempt is made to use a consistent voice.
Selects and inserts
graphics and
multimedia that are mostly high quality and
enhance and clarify the content.
Postings are written in a
style that does not fully
consider the audience
and the author’s voice is
difficult to identify.
Selects and inserts graphics and multimedia
which are not of high
quality and do not enhance the content.
Postings do not reflect an
awareness of the audience
and it is difficult to identify
the author’s voice.
Does not insert any
graphics or multimedia, or graphics or multimedia
inserted do not relate to
the posting.
Criterion not
addressed. No
Does not adhere
to Academic Honesty Policy.
20-18 points 17-16 points 15-14 points 13-1 points 0 points
Writing Quality/APA Style
The writing skillfully communicates the message(s) and the language flows
seamlessly throughout; there
are minimal problems with spelling, punctuation,
and grammar; APA style guidelines for citations and
references are followed
There are few problems with organization, clarity, or conventions that should have been
fixed. APA style guidelines for citations
and references are followed, with only minor errors.
Numerous mechanical errors are distracting; organization of ideas are lacking, but not enough to
interfere with meaning. APA style guidelines for
citations and references are attempted, with major errors.
Frequent problems with organization, clarity and/or conventions make the paper hard to read. APA
style guidelines for citations and references
are not adhered to, which increases the risk of plagiarism.
No submission. Does not adhere to Academic Honesty Policy.
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