The final assignment for this course is an eight to ten page Final Project according to APA style
The final assignment for this course is an eight to ten page Final Project according to APA style. The purpose of the Final Project is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of database management systems through the creation of a proposed database system to meet the data needs of a business or individual personal needs. This is a cumulative assignment where you will complete most sections of the Final Assignment during your weekly course activities.
Include the following major points in your paper:
- Introduction
- Background:
- Describe the proposed new database system- NEW DATA BASE FOR BOOKS
- What business requirements or personal requirements will be satisfied by your proposed database system?
- Who will be the users of the database system?
- What specific functionalities will your completed database system provide?
- Structure (Conceptual):
- What are data items that should be in your database?
- Entities become tables in a database. List all entities for your database. List a minimum of 5 entities.
- Structure (Logical)
- Attributes become fields in a table. Attributes describe entities (For example, a Customer entity could have attributes such as: name, address, and telephone number). List a minimum of 5 attributes for each entity.
- Relationships and Constraints (Logical):
- Define constraints/restrictions for at least two attributes in each entity. (e.g., Number of digits in student ID, range of values for Age attribute, an employee’s salary must be between 6,000 and 350,000 …) If some attribute should not be NULL, use NOT NULL to specify this aspect. Also provide DEFAULT values wherever applicable.
- Define relationships between entities in your database. A relationship describes an association among entities [one-to-many ex. a Painter can have many Paintings, many-to-many e.g., An employee may learn many job skills, and each job skill may be learned by many employees, or one-to-one e.g. a store is managed by a single employee and an employee manages only a single store.
- Entity Model:
- Create Entity-Relation (ER) model of your database.
- Keys (Physical):
- Specify Primary Keys on your Entity Relationship Diagram.
- In a foreign key reference, a link is created between two tables when the column or columns that hold the primary key value for one table are referenced by the column or columns in another table. This column becomes a foreign key in the second table.
- Identify and discuss at least two foreign keys in your table relationships.
- Keys are one way to categorize attributes. A primary key is an attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies one and only one instance of an entity. The primary key becomes a foreign key in any entity type to which it’s related through a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship.
- SQL (Physical):
- Use the Week3 Understanding Core Database Concepts Exercise 1 instructions to execute your CREATE Table statement for one of your proposed tables.
- Take a screen shot of your query results. Copy your query statement and add the screenshot of your query results to a MS Word document or PDF for upload.
- Use the Week3 Understanding Core Database Concepts Exercise 1 instructions to execute your INSERT statement.
- Take a screen shot of your query results. Copy your query statement and add the screenshot of your query results to a MS Word document or PDF for upload.
- Provide the SQL CREATE TABLE commands for the five tables in your proposed database. Include PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL commands.
- Provide the SQL INSERT commands to insert five rows of data into your five tables.
- Views:
- Use the Week3 Working with Views instructions to execute your CREATE VIEW statements.
- Take a screen shot of your query results.
- Copy your query statement and add the screenshot of your query results to a MS Word document or PDF for upload.
- Provide the CREATE VIEW commands to create two views for your database.
- Use the Week3 Working with Views instructions to execute your CREATE VIEW statements.
- Normalization:
- Analyze your five tables and confirm if normalization is needed to avoid data redundancy and ensure the efficient and reliable management of data. Justify your position.
- Security and Impact of Globalization Diversity:
- Protecting data security, privacy, and integrity as well as managing impacts of diversity are important database functions. Identify key activities that are required in the DBA’s managerial role of enforcing those functions in your proposed database?
- Distributed or Centralized
- Justify whether your proposed database has to be distributed or centralized?
- Summary
The Final Project – My Database System
- Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center.
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
- The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources
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