The World Health Organization helps countries to implement the WHO FCTC for tobacco control.
The World Health Organization helps countries to implement the WHO FCTC for tobacco control. in 2008, WHO developed MPOWER– six tobacco control measures of proven cost-effectiveness and ability to save lives. If implemented as a package, these measures protect against the illness and death that the tobacco epidemic will otherwise inevitably bring.
• Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies
• Protect people from tobacco smoke
• Offer help to quit tobacco use
• Warn about the dangers of tobacco
• Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship
• Raise taxes on tobacco
1. Find Fiji’s country’s profile on the Global Tobacco Report 2021 (look in the Annex for country data)
2. Take a screen shot of the Summary of MPOWER Measures (table with different colors of blue and grey) for your country and paste onto a word doc.
3. Then, using the Tobacco Atlas (look under your country) look up data on the following indicators from the Fact Sheet: Tobacco Atlas (Links to an external site.)
- daily smoking prevalence overall
- daily smoking prevalence for men
- daily smoking prevalence for women
- 2 other interesting facts from the report (such as deaths, use of smokeless tobacco, use among children, etc.)
4. Along with the data above, post here a one-paragraph (10-15 sentences) analysis of the MPOWER policies that are implemented in your country (for example, where it is doing well and which policies are lagging behind).
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."