BUSI 830 Week 2 (1).Discussion Thread: Solutions that Incorporate Lean Six Sigma
BUSI 830 Week 2 (1). Discussion Thread: Solutions that Incorporate Lean Six Sigma
In this discussion, the student will consider an organization that has a manufacturing issue specifically. No one in the organization can seem to articulate why their final product (widget) takes less than 4 hours of actual prep/manipulation(stamping, carving, refining, etc.)/assembly/finishing, and yet the time from entry of all the raw materials to the ship date is 3 months. The organization seems to have plenty of supply and demand, space, resources, manning, etc. The student will discuss what part of LSS (Lean or Six Sigma) would be more appropriate/effective in solving this organization’s problem.
Minimum of 300 words in the body
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts
Use the following outline:
1. Introduction
2. Consultant’s Assessment/Recommendations
3. Conclusion
4. References
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."