BUSI 885 Week 5 Research Concept Guide: Research Concept Guide: Task 5 – Draft Research Concept
BUSI 885 Week 5 Research Concept Guide: Research Concept Guide: Task 5 – Draft Research Concept
The Doctor of Business Administration Research Concept Guide contains all the information in order for you to successfully complete all the tasks in this course. Full details are provided for each task within this guide. You should consult this guide to assist you in completing each assignment and your program. Each task builds on previous tasks and allows you to systematically complete your dissertation with timely feedback from your faculty member on
each task.
Locate the task you want to complete in the Doctor of Business Administration Research Concept Guide. Read the information concerning the task. Complete the task requirements.
Submit your task to Canvas. After you submit, your faculty member will review the completed task and provide feedback. Review your faculty member’s feedback and make any necessary adjustments to your task. Resubmit your task in Canvas until your faculty member approves your task and you receive full credit on the assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Title Block
• Last Name, First Name
• Cognate
• Research Project Track (Dissertation or Project)
• Research Paradigm
• Planned Research Design
• Proposed Topic
Table of Contents
Research Concept (Level 1 Heading)
Start a new page
1. Introductory paragraph for the research concept
Problem Statement (Level 2 Heading)
2. Convert the bullet point outline into a single paragraph with less than 250 words
3. Citations to support all factual assertions
Research Questions (Level 2 Heading)
1. Create an introductory paragraph
2. List the research questions and sub-questions (if used). Use labels RQ1, RQ1a, etc.
3. Describe how the research questions relate to the problem statement
4. Describe how taken together the research questions cover all elements of the problem statement.
5. Summary paragraph
6. Citations to support all factual assertions
Methodology (Level 2 Heading)
1. Create an introductory paragraph
2. Discussion of Research Paradigm and how it will influence the study
3. Discussion of Methodology and why it is appropriate for the study
4. Summary paragraph
5. Citations to support all factual assertions
Liberty University School of Business DBA Research Concept Guide
March 10, 2020 Page 19 of 22
Research Framework (Level 2 Heading)
1. Create an introductory paragraph
2. Add a diagram right after the introductory paragraph showing the relationship between all the elements included in the framework and discuss the diagram throughout this section.
The diagram should show the flow of information, action, and ideas that lead to outcomes.
3. Convert the bullet point outline into a narrative discussion. Use appropriate headings.
4. Create a summary paragraph
5. Citations to support all factual assertions
Conclusion (Level 2 Heading)
1. Summary of research concept
2. Key points of research concept
References (Level 1 Heading)
• APA formatted reference for all citations in the research concept
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