August 2022

A variety of resources are utilized within each lesson.  The Collage Assignment

A variety of resources are utilized within each lesson.  The Collage Assignment A variety of resources are utilized within each lesson.  The Collage Assignment requires that students pull together the various ideas and examples presented by these resources into a pictorial representation, with a one-page, written description. This assignment provides you the opportunity to demonstrate […]

A variety of resources are utilized within each lesson.  The Collage Assignment Read More »

Socrates claims that he is  wiser than the other citizens of Athens, even though he is ignorant.

Socrates claims that he is  wiser than the other citizens of Athens, even though he is ignorant. Question: Socrates claims that he is  wiser than the other citizens of Athens, even though he is ignorant. Why  does he claim this? How does his ‘human wisdom’ relate to his god-given  mission? Socrates also claims that what

Socrates claims that he is  wiser than the other citizens of Athens, even though he is ignorant. Read More »

Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting

Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting room awaiting an invasive pelvic procedure. The health care professional who will assist in her procedure enters the room and calls “Alma.” There is no reply so the professional retreats to the work

Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting Read More »

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