I want you to read these reading and answer these questions for each reading
I want you to read these reading and answer these questions for each reading
- What’s the title of the reading and the name of the author?
- What is / are the key arguments of the reading?
- What theories and concepts are used in the reading? What are the examples?
- What are the key strengths and weaknesses of the reading?
- What do you particularly agree / disagree with and why?
2 pages, first page
1) P. Williams, ‘Security Studies: An Introduction’, in P. Williams, Security Studies: An Introduction, pp. 1-12. 2) Waever, Ole and Barry Buzan, ‘After the Return to Theory: The Past, Present and Future of Security Studies’, in Alan Collins, ed. Contemporary Security Studies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 417-435.
Second page
1) William Wolforth, ‘Realism and Security Studies’, in Cavelty and Balzacq (eds), Routledge Handbook of Security Studies, 11-21.
2) John Mearsheimer, ‘Back to the Future’, International Security 15: 1 (1990), 5-56.