You prepare a letter and flyer promoting a community festival and fundraising effort.

You prepare a letter and flyer promoting a community festival and fundraising effort.

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Project Description:

You prepare a letter and flyer promoting a community festival and fundraising effort. The letter and flyer contain tables that summarize event information. The tables include appropriate formatting and formulas. The cover letter is merged with a data source of addresses.


Start Word. Download and open   the file named Exp19_Word_Ch03_CapAssessment_Smoke.docx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Text that is arranged with tabs   between columns can, in some cases, be managed more easily if converted to a   table. At that point, the table can be designed with a table style and   columns and rows can be easily resized.
Display nonprinting characters. Select tabbed text on page 1 from Sponsorship to the final paragraph   mark after the last set of dot leaders. Do not select the paragraph mark on   the next line. Convert the text to a table, accepting all default settings.


Center text in the first column   and center all text on row 1. Change the width of the last two columns to 1”.   Text will wrap in the last column. Insert a row above the first row and type Dragon Boats   for SafePlace.   Merge all cells in row 1. Ensure that text in row 1 is centered and change   the font size to 16.


Apply List Table 3 table style   to the table (row 3, column 1 under List Tables). Deselect First Column in   the Table Style Options group so the first column is not bold. Bold all   entries in row 2 and apply a Shading of Light Gray, Background 2, Darker 10%.


Include a formula in the last   column on the third row to calculate 75% of the Cost. The formula is =0.75*b3. You do not need to select a   number format. Include a formula in the next two rows of the same column,   adjusting the row reference as necessary.


Check spelling, correcting any   errors. Ignore any clarity and conciseness concerns and ignore all   occurrences of SafePlace, if any   are presented. All names are spelled correctly. Center all numbers in the   last two columns. Center the table horizontally on the page.


A Word table can be configured   in various ways for diverse purposes. In this case, you design a one-page   flyer, with text arranged in a table. By selecting appropriate color, font   size, font type, and alignment, an attractive flyer is easily produced using   table settings.
Move to the top of page 2 and insert a 2×8 table. Type Smoke in the first cell on the first   row. Press SHIFT+ENTER to insert a soft return. Type on the and enter a soft return. Type Water. (Do not type the period.)


Type WHEN in the second row in the first column. In the third   row in the first column, type May 30 and press SHIFT+ENTER to insert a soft return. Type 8am – 3pm. (Do not type the period and be   sure to include a space before and after the hyphen. A space should not   precede am and pm.) Type WHERE in the fourth row in the first column.


Continuing down the column, type   McFarland   Marina in the   fifth row. Type 201 South Pine Street, Newberry NC in the sixth row. Type FEATURING:   Dragon Boat Races for Charity in the seventh row. Finally, type in the eighth row.


Merge all cells in the second   column. Type ADVANCE TICKETS in the second column and press ENTER. Type $12 General   Admission and   press ENTER. Type $20 VIP and press ENTER twice. Type AT THE GATE and press ENTER. Type $14 General   Admission and   press ENTER. Type $22 VIP and press ENTER three times. Type SPONSORS and press ENTER. Type Charity   League and   press ENTER. Type Circle K. (Do not type the period.)


Select the table and change the   font to Impact. Change font size of all entries in Column 1 as follows. The   last row of the table may extend to another page.
Cell 1: 90 pt.
Cell 2: 24 pt.
Cell 3: 36 pt.
Cell 4: 24 pt.
Cell 5: 36 pt.
Cell 6: 14 pt.
Cell 7: 20 pt.
Cell 8: 14 pt.


Cell margins provide space   between a cell’s inside edges and the beginning of cell contents. By reducing   cell margins, you remove some of the extra space so that cell contents are   more nearly aligned at the edge of a cell. The flyer, with small left and   right cell margins, will have very little space between the left and right   edges and the flyer text, resulting in a neat display of information.
Select the table. Change left and right cell margins to .02. Change the font   size of all text in the second column to 22. Apply Align Center alignment to   all text in the second column. Change the document margins to Narrow.


Choose a border style of Single   solid line, 1 ½ pt (row 2, column 1 under Border Styles). Change the pen   color to Red. Apply the selection to the vertical border dividing the two   columns. Select the table and apply shading of Black, Text 1. Center the   table horizontally on the page.


Begin a mail merge process,   creating Letters and selecting Sheet1$ of Patrons.xlsx   as the recipient list. Edit the recipient list to sort by Last Name in   ascending order. Filter the data source to select only those with a Zip of   49800. Replace [Address Block] on   page 1 with the Address Block merge field, accepting the default address   block arrangement. Replace [Greeting   Line] with the Greeting Line merge field, accepting the default greeting   line arrangement.
Note, Mac users, for the Address block, you will need to insert the   First_Name field, press SPACEBAR, and insert the Last_Name field. Press   ENTER. Insert the Address field. Press ENTER. Insert the City field, type a   comma (,), press SPACEBAR, insert the   State field, press SPACEBAR, and then insert the Zip field.
For the Greeting line, Mac users will need to type Dear, press SPACEBAR, insert the   First_Name field, press SPACEBAR, insert the Last_Name field, and type a   comma (,).
To sort and filter the data source, Mac users will need to select Filter   Recipient and proceed with instructions.


Preview the results. Select the   first two lines of the address block (Andryne   Blake and 3809 Constitution Ave.)   and remove all paragraph spacing. Finish the merge process, editing   individual documents and merging all records. Press CTRL+A to select all of   the merged document and copy the selection. Display Exp19_Word_Ch03_CapAssessment_Smoke, move the insertion point to   the end of the document, and insert a page break. Paste all copied text,   resulting in a 7-page document


Save and close Exp19_Word_Ch03_CapAssessment_Smoke. Close all other open documents without   saving. Submit Exp_Word_Ch03_CapAssessment_Smoke.docx   as directed.

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