Develop an analysis of the case provided. Guided by the questions listed at the end
Develop an analysis of the case provided. Guided by the questions listed at the end of the case, the analysis should reflect a sophisticated understanding of the relevant concepts and theories related to ethical leadership in global organizations. The analysis should be supported by information from at least five credible sources: research based publications, such as textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, or other sources providing relevant guidance on the topic. Your analysis should clearly explain how the research informs your analysis. Summarize the case, explain the problems, and then suggest recommendations to address the problems. Remember that you are a management scientist, not a casual observer. Scientists not only report what they know; they also report how they know what they know. Your analysis should reflect your ability to apply logic, critical thinking, and theoretical reasoning as you construct point-by-point, evidence based arguments to support your conclusions and recommendations.
Formatting Guidelines Your analysis should be typed and submitted in APA format by the due date assigned. The analysis should consist of in-text citations and a reference list. All of the sources mentioned in-text should be on the reference list. There should be no sources on the reference list, which have not been mentioned in-text. Format the analysis using MSWord, 1” margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font. There is a 4page minimum length. The analysis should address the questions at the end of the case, and it should consist of the following elements:
A cover page and abstract
An introduction which engages the reader, sets the tone for the analysis, and describes the problem or topic the analysis will explore
A clear thesis statement which states the purpose and focus of the analysis
A brief description of the case
References to at least five sources other than the course textbook
Headings to organize the flow of the analysis
A conclusion that summarizes and contextualizes the analysis
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."