Coming Up with Alternatives: Transcript Analysis Report

Coming Up with Alternatives: Transcript Analysis Report

Coming Up with Alternatives: Transcript Analysis Report

Transcribing a counseling session and then analyzing the transcription are important and effective learning exercises that help you to understand and further improve your counseling skills. Throughout this counseling program, you will have several opportunities to conduct a taped session for analysis. 

This first transcription assignment is in a simplified form; you don’t have to transcribe the whole session. You will select a 10 minute segment of the session and only transcribe Carl Roger’s responses to the client. You need to analyze and develop alternative responses related to the foundational skills you have learned.

Watch the video of Carl Rogers (the video titled “Carl Rogers Counsels An Individual On Anger”) in a live counseling session.


  • In Rogers’ Tape Transcript Analysis Form template, transcribe Carl Roger’s responses from a 10 minute segment of the session.
    • Analyze Rogers’ responses that demonstrate any one or more of the skills you have learned in this class. For each of his responses, list which specific skills (including non-verbal skills) you see him implementing during the session.
    • If you were the counselor, determine what you may have said or done differently. Identify the specific counseling skill and explain how you would refine it by either changing the wording of the response or selecting a different type of response.
  • Discuss in a 2- to 4-page paper at least five things you found personally impacting, informative, and/or of general interest. Make sure to relate the learning to your personal development as a counselor.

Your final product will be a Microsoft Word document, written in APA format, and consist of approximately 2–4 pages in length and the transcription analysis. Utilize 2–3 scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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