Prepare a business case and financial plan for your selected organization
- Prepare a business case and financial plan for your selected organization.- Company selected must be an existing organization with publicly available information, ( I suggest picking an organization from the Fortune 500 – this could be the organization you have been using or a new one . Read through the assignment requirements, explore, and select an organization that will be suitable.
There are TWO deliverables for this assignment – a Word document and an Excel spreadsheet.
World Count – Paragraphs are 175-250 words. Focus on meaningful analysis.
Describe the existing business, including the type of business, industry dynamics, competitive rivalry, ( one to two paragraphs)
Create the business case.
- EXPLAIN. PROPOSE why funding is needed for the company. For example: expanding existing operations into a new global market, development of a new product, etc. ( one paragraph)
- Determine the potential sources of funding for the project – discuss three types of funding . Consider self-funding, borrowing, equity, venture capital, etc. ( three paragraphs – one paragraph per funding type, be specific, have specific, realistic, justified, supported analysis) . Also Include in each paragraph:
- Evaluate the requirements of each of the three funding sources you identified.
- Analyze the associated risks of each of the three funding sources.
- Estimate the cost of capital for of the three funding sources under review.. Research current estimated APRs for each of the three sources of funding. Create a table to display this information. ONE TABLE WITHIN THE WORD DOCUMENT
- Select your chosen funding source and justify your decision as why the funding source is the best fit for your project and organization. Have at least three reasons Justifying selection. ( one to two paragraphs)
- Analytical Summary – three paragraphs. Create a summary to highlight key points of benefit and concern of the project and the data in your profit and loss statement. You are making a final case ( financial, strategic, vision, etc) for proceeding with the project, benefit to the overall organization, potential risks, and how the project advances the existing strategic vision of the organization.
- Create a profit-and-loss statement for a 3-year period. Project revenue, stating realistic assumptions, such as growth per year, in your projections. Estimate direct costs, including capital, marketing, labor, and supply costs.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."