Summary: It is designed around an educational institute called LearnerCare that offers two types of courses every semester

Summary: It is designed around an educational institute called LearnerCare that offers two types of courses every semester


It is designed around an educational institute called LearnerCare that offers two types of courses every semester, regular and optional. While regular courses are compulsory, students may select one optional course every semester. Some courses may be dropped from the previous curriculum year and new courses may be offered. The optional courses may be offered in both semesters for the same grade. Generally, the courses offered are repeated every year for the students of the same grade, but these may be changed.
Students enrolling for a specific year need to enroll for the regular courses offered for the semester for that grade and an optional course per semester. Each optional course has limited number of seats.
A student can specify his choice for the optional course if the course is being offered in the semester for the grade of the student. A student can specify three priorities for the optional courses. A course is allotted to the student after the enrolment period is over on first come first serve basis based upon the availability of seats in the course.
The database also stores the skill set of faculty in the institute. Based upon the skill set, faculty is assigned to courses when the courses are announced. However, a faculty may be replaced in a different semester or grade.
Courses are assigned specific classrooms subject to the availability of the room while ensuring that no teacher or student attends two courses simultaneously. Classes are conducted for eight one-hour sessions per day, five days a week. Each course is conducted six times a week with four periods per week for extra curricular activities of students.
A weekly timetable can be generated to inform the students and faculty about the classroom for specific courses.
Part 1 of Project:
1.Convert entities and attributes to tables and fields, respectively.
2.Specify data types and the size of fields in the tables.
3.Identify primary and foreign keys.
4.Identify various constraints for the fields.
5.Normalize data, if required
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