You need to address the following questions in your response (300 words total):
You need to address the following questions in your response (300 words total):
- Based on Margaret’s biological age, in what stage of human development is she? Cite the specific stage in Erikson’s Human Development theory. How is Margaret’s human developmental stage relevant to the case? What unique ethical concerns arise during your client’s stage, and how would you address them? (Hint: Ch7 Talks about birth – 18. See the handout in the module for Erikson’s stages of development. )
- What are two social welfare programs (Macro Social Work) that your textbook mentioned that you think could help the family based on their presenting problems and needs? Why did you select these two programs? (Consult and use your course textbook for specific social policies/programs. Hint: Ch 7, 8, and 11 have some specific policies/programs, as does the rest of the textbook.)
- Based on Margaret’s father’s biological age, in what stage of human development is he? Cite the specific stage in Erikson’s Human Development theory. What kinds of attitudes does the public display toward people who are in the same human developmental stage as Margaret’s father, and how would you navigate supporting Margaret in addressing the attitudes and expectations people have of those in his developmental age?
- What is one question that you have about your case study/client and its relation to this week’s module material?
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."