Christianity is rooted in Judaism and Jesus was a Jew. Jesus, using his interpretation of the Golden Rule, took the 10

 Christianity is rooted in Judaism and Jesus was a Jew. Jesus, using his interpretation of the Golden Rule, took the 10

Christianity is rooted in Judaism and Jesus was a Jew. Jesus, using his interpretation of the Golden Rule, took the 10 Commandments of his Jewish faith and elaborated on them in his teachings such as the Sermon on the Mount. In later years, however, the Church focused on faith as seen in its creeds.

  • This legacy of Christianity raises the question: is Christianity a religion of works or faith? Within the broader context of world religions that we have studied so far, is religion about works or beliefs? Can it be both? If so, should it favor one more than the other?
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Responses should be substantive, provide additional context, and provide evidence (cite source) to support ideas. Dialogue should be meaningful, constructive, and respectful.


When you set goals, it’s important to think through the steps you will need to take to achieve them.

For this week’s discussion, respond to the following prompts by Sunday at 11:59 pm EST. You are encouraged to submit your initial discussion post by Wednesday so your classmates have a chance to provide feedback.

  • In one paragraph, explain what you do to achieve your goals.
    • Do you write them down, stick them on your mirror, enter them in an app on your phone, something else?
  • In one paragraph, provide an example of a recent goal you or someone you know has achieved.
    • What steps were taken to get there?

Each paragraph should include 5–7 sentences and be grammatically correct.

Respond to at least one other person in the class by Sunday, writing at least three sentences.

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