the point of view of the biblical foundations provided in this course
- the point of view of the biblical foundations provided in this course. Learners must evaluate whether or not the principle as practiced by the organization is consistent with the biblical foundations (compare and contrast) and evaluate the potential change in effectiveness of the organization were the biblical foundations are to be employed. If the organization does purport to operate from a biblical point of view, the learners will evaluate the extent to which the organization appears to be consistent with the biblical foundation in its organizational behavior. At least 750 words of the final paper should be devoted to this aspect of the project.
- Specific Requirements: (3,500 words; At least 7 sources; APA-Compliant)
Students should note that there is a writing assignment due in Unit 7 as well as the final paper. Students should do their service learning early in the course and should begin working on the final paper before Unit 7.