This week you will explore a new game through the lens set up by the weekly material.
This week you will explore a new game through the lens set up by the weekly material. Select a game that can be modeled by a simple Turing machine. This means it will take a series of inputs (such as a set of moves by a player) and use the tape and table to compute the outcome of whether the player won or lost. Guessing games work well for this where the tape will house the guesses by the player in order. For example, when working with Turing machines, you may wish to represent the concept through a game of Hangman.
Use the criteria below and describe how the Turing machine will act on the input.
This week, Include the following in your report:
A brief explanation of the computing concepts to be modeled
A brief explanation of how the game functions if you created it
A brief explanation of the original game on which you have based your assignment if the game already exists
A brief explanation of how the game was integrated with the concepts of computing if the game already exists
Three scenarios of game play, including:
The setup of the game
The desired outcome
A sample game for each scenario
Your submission will be evaluated on the following criteria:
The adaptability of the game chosen to the week’s topic
The extent to which the game and the computing concepts integrate
The quality of the work submitted by you
The completeness of each week’s report