Section 3 of the Capstone Paper

Section 3 of the Capstone Paper

I will also include week one and two assignment with the chapters for our text reading

Abraham, S. C. (2012). Strategic management for organizations . Bridgepoint Education.

MGT 450 Strategic Planning of Organizations


Section 3 of the Capstone Paper

[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 5]

When an organization is faced with a challenge, or perhaps a new opportunity, care must be taken to properly diagnose the issues at hand so that proper actions are developed to accomplish the task in the most effective manner possible. During Week 2, you clearly defined a challenge for your chosen organization. During Week 3, you will develop a SWOT analysis targeting specifics of the organization that will impact the potential outcomes of the challenge.

Prior to building the SWOT analysis, review the following web pages for ideas and guidance on developing proper questioning for the analysis:

Develop a SWOT analysis for the organization you are researching for your Final Paper. Define one or two findings for each section of the SWOT analysis that would be pertinent and specific to the outcome of the challenge identified during Week 2. For each section of the SWOT:

  • provide a definition for the section,
  • define a characteristic of the organization for the section, and use the defined questioning as the catalyst for the characteristic
  • and then, tell why that finding is important to resolving the challenge.

EXAMPLE: Using scholarly research, define the letter S in SWOT. Then, through research, define a strength of the organization that is vital to resolving the challenge defined during Week 2. Include the reasoning as to why the strength is important and relate your findings to your SWOT questions. Continue this process for each letter of the SWOT analysis.

Conclude this section of the paper with a paragraph briefly discussing the importance of the findings and how they will help reach a logical solution to the challenge and the possible type of strategy that best fits the process.

Section 3 of the paper must have at a minimum two full pages of content (excluding the cover and reference pages). You must include at a minimum two scholarly resources (in addition to the text) that support specific strategies used to prepare the paper. Wikipedia is not a qualified resource. Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources Links to an external site.document for additional guidance. Include the text as a scholarly resource to support theory and concepts related to strategy. During the construction of Section 3, be specific and refrain from assumption.

The Section 3 of the Capstone Paper

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