Personal Career Timeline
For this assignment, you are to create a PowerPoint show identifying the timeline of your career and related professional development beginning with birth and end with now. The presentation should consist of ten-twelve slides. Animate the presentation with graphics and pictures that highlight your story.
- On the timeline, identify important points in your life (these can be events, people, a new thought, an educational experience, etc.) to date that have had an impact on your career choice and development. Identify each point chronologically (identified by year only) and number the events in sequential order.
- After you create the timeline, using a narrative format, identify, describe, and explain your rationale for each point’s inclusion. The narrative description of each point should provide information relating the event to other counseling concepts such as
- career theory,
- ethical considerations,
- other concepts/contributing factors including the relationship of past experiences or incidents to this point.
- The conclusion should include an analysis and reflection of these important points on your life as they have influenced your career decisions.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."