Individual Nutrition Assessment: It takes at least four days to complete

Individual Nutrition Assessment: It takes at least four days to complete


You don’t really know how well (or how poorly) you eat until you do an objective assessment of your intake. This assignment takes THREE days to record everything you eat and then another hour or so to do an analysis of it and write a response paper.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THE ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS in order to properly complete the assignment form. 

Start it AT LEAST four days prior to the due date. 


INA Assignment directions-2.docx Download INA Assignment directions-2.docx 

INA Assignment Form-1.docx Download INA Assignment Form-1.docx 

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The website used for this assignment is primarily designed for weight management.  I am not necessarily promoting calorie restriction and/or dieting, as each of you in this class are individuals.  However, the website provides helpful information about overall nutrient intake to help you be aware of excesses and deficiencies, whether your goal is to gain, lose or maintain your weight.


View Rubric

INA Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

Steps 1 & 2 Assignment Form

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5 pts

Thoroughly and accurately completed, with no blank spaces.


3 pts

Some information is missing or inaccurate. This can range anywhere from a loss of 1-4 points.


0 pts

Not completed/left blank.


/ 5 pts

Step 3-Diet diary

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10 pts

Throroughly completed with dates, times, amounts, descriptions, and physical activity clearly documented.


5 pts

Partially completed, inadequate number of days, amounts and descriptions are not clearly specified. Information is missing. This can range anywhere from a loss of 1-9 points.


0 pts

Not completed/left blank.


/ 10 pts

Steps 4 & 5 Reports

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10 pts

All of the information from Cronometer is pasted into the document, in chronological order, and includes all of the information, as explained in to the assignment directions. All of the information is legible.


5 pts

Information pasted is not what was requested or does not cover all three days. The information of the three days are not pasted in chronological order. Some of the information is missing or is uploaded separately/not pasted into the assignment document. This can range anywhere from a loss of 1-9 points.


0 pts

The requested reports are missing.


/ 10 pts

Step 6 Paper

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25 pts

The written response follows the specified format and content from the directions document and shows depth of thought and processing of information.


13 pts

The written response is not formatted according to directions document and much of the specified content is not covered. Lacks information processing and/or depth of thought. It is excessively long or much shorter than specified. This can range anywhere from a loss of 2-23 points.


0 pts

The written response is missing.


/ 25 pts
Total Points: 0

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