History 251-04
Exam #1
Directions: Write a well-conceived and argued essay, which answers ONE of the following
questions. Be sure to include detailed, specific examples in your answer and respond to all parts
of the question. You should incorporate information from your textbook, course videos, weekly
discussion boards, and reflections. (HINT: These questions are usually covered in more than just
one chapter of the textbook.) Be sure to include terms from your Exam Review. To answer the
question completely, responses should be about 3-5 pages in length not including a cover page or
Bibliography. You may find that your answer needs to be longer, which is fine.
It is essential that your essay includes citations telling where your information came from. All
writing assignments should be formatted using either the Chicago Manual of Style, the American
Psychological Association (ASA), or Modern Language Association (MLA). Students should
choose a style used in their academic discipline. For example, history majors should use the
Chicago Manual of Style. Information on the Citation Guides is available at
https://guides.library.unk.edu/c.php?g=861617. Papers should be double-spaced in 12-point font.
It is preferred that papers be submitted as a .doc, .docx, or pdf. Any written assignments turned
in late will be penalized 5 points for every 24 hours they are past due.
Submit your completed essay to the assignment link by Sunday evening at 11:59 PM CST.
A. There was disagreement over the best way to put back together the nation following the
Civil War. Analyze the proposed plans for reconstruction of the south and explain how
these differed from what was put into place. How did southern Democratic elites react to
the actions of Reconstruction Congress? What measures did they take to ensure their way
of life returned to “normal� Examine race relations in the south after 1865. How did life
change for African Americans in the South after Emancipation? Describe the event that
signaled the end of Reconstruction.
B. The history of the American West is a complex story of triumph and tragedy. Discuss the
major industries that shaped the post-Civil War western economy and settlement of the
West. What factors attracted people to move to the Far West or the Great Plains? In what
ways did the US government subsidize the growth of the west? Describe the U.S.
government’s policies in dealing with the Plains Indians. In what ways has the history of
the West been mythologized into a story of relentless progress and self-sufficiency?
C. During the half-century between 1865 and 1915, America transformed into an industrial
society. What major factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution in America during
the latter part of the 1800s? Describe the developments in major industries and discuss
the business leaders of the major industries. What strategies and techniques did
businesses use to become corporate giants? How was the accumulation of wealth in
America justified during the Industrial Era? How did this change affect the lives of
workers and in what ways did workers react against this new system of labor? What
effect did urbanization and immigration have in the North during the second half of the
nineteenth century? How successful were southern industries after the Civil War? Was
the term “New South†accurate to describe the post-Civil War South? Describe the
development of segregation in the South after the Civil War.
D. Progressivism has been seen as a middle/upper class response to the Industrial
Revolution. Identify the groups most involved in reform and their efforts during the
Progressive Era. What methods were used to bring about reforms in state governments
during the Progressive Era? Compare and contrast the actions of Theodore Roosevelt,
William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson as progressive reformers. Who were the
muckrakers and what impact did they have on reforms during the Progressive Era? How
did the Progressive Movement influence American Culture?
E. Prior to the late 1800s, the United States generally avoided international affairs and
conflicts. Discuss America’s rise to a world power and reasons for expansion by
examining the nation’s progressive diplomacy, especially in the American continents, and
their role in World War I. How did the U.S. move from neutrality to war between 1914
and 1917? How did the federal government mobilize the economy and public opinion on
the home front during World War I? How did this conflict transform America and
American foreign policy?
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