Food and Nutrition Documentary

Food and Nutrition Documentary

Food and Nutrition Documentary Choice

Due: Fri May 12, 2023 11:59pmDue: Fri May 12, 2023 11:59pm




Chapter 11 is all about Energy Balance and Body Weight. This is a chapter I could likely teach about for weeks and I think this is relatable to many college students. Each documentary is about 1 hour and 30 minutes.  An assignment for this chapter will be to watch ONE food and nutrition related documentary.  I think you will find value out of watching one of these that you find most intriguing.  Your FOUR options include:

1. Super Size Me :  While examining the influence of the fast food industry, Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences on his health of a diet of solely McDonald’s food for one month.

Watch Super Size Me | Prime Video ( to an external site.

2. The Game Changer:  A documentary that follows several elite vegan athletes, gives a broad overview of some of the alleged benefits of plant-based diets.

Where to Watch | The Game Changers Official Film ( to an external site.

3. Hungry For Change: One of the most important things to remember when embarking on a healthier lifestyle, according to dietitians, is just that: It’s a lifestyle, not a diet. It’s this idea that propelled Hungry for Change into documentary stardom. The 2012 health food documentary puts emphasis on sugar consumption (comparing it to a drug), misguided food marketing, and the toxic diet industry at large. By calling out the very ways that weight loss companies keep consumers coming back for more, Hungry for Change aims to inspire and equip viewers with healthy lifestyle changes—*not* diets—that actually work.

Watch Hungry for Change (amazon)Links to an external site.

4. Fed Up!: Each and every year, health-conscious consumers (and filmmakers who identify as such) become more and more fed up with the corporate-run food industry. In 2014, it reached a point where Katie Couric and Oscar-winning product Laurie David wanted to do something about it. And so they debuted Fed Up, a food documentary that takes aim at the corporate food industry—specifically, how big businesses within it have influence over the government, which eventually trickles all the way down to the nutritiously-defunct food that ends up on the plates of millions of Americans each day. In short, the documentary touts itself as “the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see”—and that’s precisely why it’s so worth watching.

Watch Fed Up | Prime Video ( to an external site.

5. In Defense of Food: In Defense of Food tackles a question more and more people around the world have been asking: What should I eat to be healthy? Based on award-winning journalist Michael Pollan’s best-selling book, the program explores how the modern diet has been making us sick and what we can do to change it.   This documentary is balanced, well done and loaded with quality content that reaffirms many principles that you learn in class!

In Defense of FoodLinks to an external site.


After you watch ONE, write up a one page paper and upload it onto Canvas. In the paper be sure that you discuss the content that most impacted you, identify a few pieces of advice that sum up the content of the documentary and how you can apply those in your life. You want to be sure that you comment enough on the documentary content in your paper that I can be confident that you watched it in its entirety.  We will use Turnitin as well! Consider including your family and/or roommates, or significant others while watching it, as I am confident that it will impact almost all viewers, causing an increased desire to eat better.


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