Professional Report

Professional Report

Professor’s TA will grade on Rubric and will be using Rubric. Report will be run through Tutin 

SA—Professional Report

Description of SA:

In this assignment, you will develop a professional intake report of a theoretical client. You will review the Case of Sara. You will then develop an Intake Report using the Intake Report Template linked in this sentence.


You have been hired to provide an initial assessment of a client based on comments made during her intake session. Sara scored a 68 on the Burns Anxiety Inventory, and 29 on the Burns Depression Inventory. Additionally, Sara received a total score of 28 on the MMSE, missing points in the Recall and Attention and Calculation areas. After reviewing a report of her statements, you will complete a psychosocial intake report. Detailed section descriptions can be found in the template. Typical psychosocial categories include:

  1. Identifying information
  2. Presenting problem, symptoms, history
  3. Psychosocial history
  4. Medical and mental health history
  5. Mental status exam
  6. Diagnostic impressions
  7. Interpretation of test scores
  8. Treatment plan
  9. Summary


  1. Review the Case of Sara.
  2. Complete all sections of the intake report template.
  3. Report the crucial components of Sara’s information in the psychosocial report.
  4. Interpret test scores.
  5. Provide a provisional diagnosis based on the history, mental status exam, and test scores. Consult the DSM to identify recommended assessments to confirm the diagnosis.
  6. Develop a treatment plan appropriate for her diagnoses and history.

Your final product will be a Microsoft Word document, about 7–10 pages in length, written in a clear, concise, and organized manner and utilizing at least 7 scholarly sources.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, save your document as M8_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit the document to the Submissions Area.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Psychosocial Template Completion: Complete all sections of the psychosocial template. 52
Report Accuracy/Completeness: Report the crucial components of Sara’s information in the psychosocial report. 64
Test Score Interpretation: Interpret test scores. 52
Diagnosis: Provide a diagnosis based upon history, mental status exam, and test scores. 52
Treatment Planning: Develop a treatment plan appropriate for her diagnoses and history. 52
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 28

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