Assignment 2: LASA-2 Research Paper

write a research paper that describes an empirical relationship involving a substance of abuse or a behavioral addiction and the affected demographic population. The research paper should include information prevalence, impact, and treatment issues, along with a hypothetical case scenario.

Description of LASA-2:

In this assignment, you will complete a research project based on the course content and create a formal research paper that will comprise 30% of your grade.

  • Choose a substance of abuse or an addictive behavior, such as compulsive gambling, which is meaningful or of particular interest to you and directly relates (or could relate) to the population of clients with whom you would like to work. Topics need to be approved by the instructor by the end of Module 2.
  • In your paper, introduce the substance, any historical background, and how is it a problem for society. Explore the current literature related to your topic (review a minimum of five articles) and present your findings in your paper.
  • Create a hypothetical client that you will work with in counseling. In terms of your hypothetical client, you can either: (1) pick one stage of change and include your mock “case notes” from your first few sessions, or (2) write about your client and what they might “look like” across the stages of change (assuming you have worked with them for several sessions). In addition, write about your diagnosis, any assessments you might use, the treatment plan, and any outside resources, all depending on your selected counseling theoretical orientation. Your experiences and learning from this class should be integrated in the research paper, where appropriate.

Organize your paper in the following manner (and include the assignment components from the grading rubric):

  • Introduction (Note: The heading here should be the title of your paper, e.g., Alcohol Abuse in the Military)
    • Introduce your topic
    • Make sure to include a thesis statement
  • Problem or issue (include statistics from your textbook and other sources)
  • Introduction of your client (include information listed above, diagnosis, and so on)
    • Stages of change
    • Diagnosis, assessments, treatment plan, and outside resources
  • Implications for counselors
  • Summary/conclusion

The paper needs to be approximately 10–12 pages in length, organized using the headings suggested above. You need to cite at least five peer-reviewed journal articles and the course texts. Your paper must be in APA format with page numbers.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, name your document as M7_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Identify a psychoactive substance or behavioral addiction (such as Gambling Disorder) and a specific target population for the investigation. 36
Develop an introduction, thesis, and hypothetical case based upon the population and the substance/behavior variables. 60
Access a minimum of five peer-reviewed articles from the online library resources. 48
Summarize the findings in the current scientific literature regarding the patterns and trends of substance use/addictive behavior found in the target population. 64
Identify the appropriate roles and interventions for counselors in providing substance abuse services to specific populations by evaluating the findings in the research literature. 64
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 28
Total: 300

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