Program Evaluation Proposal & Presentation

As a counseling practitioner, there is a very good chance that you will have the opportunity to evaluate the needs and effectiveness of an agency, department, or program. When doing this, you will not only need to understand research concepts and design strategies, but you must also understand the foundational components of the program evaluation process. For this assignment, you will be creating an 8-10 page Program Evaluation Proposal for an organization of your choice along with a presentation of approximately 6-8 slides for the Board of Directors.


First, choose an agency, department, or program in your community that would be a good target for a program evaluation. This would include any program or agency where clients are being served in relation to clinical mental health services. Additionally, a school guidance counseling department could be examined. Make sure to choose an organization where you will be able to access basic information about (purpose, services provide, target population, etc.).

Note that this assignment has two parts. For Part I your will present the proposal as if presenting to the Board of Directors in Week 9 Webinar. The feedback you receive from that presentation should be incorporated into your final paper (Part II) below.

Part I: Presentation due in week 9


Create a 6-8 slide PPT presentation (including detailed speaker’s notes) that you could present to a Board of Directors, administration, or supervisor regarding:

  • support needed for proposed program evaluation
  • how the program evaluation will be conducted
  • expected benefits to be received from the evaluation

You will receive feedback from your presentation that should be incorporated into the final report.

Part II: Report


Develop an 8-10 page Program Evaluation Proposal to submit to the head of the department or Board of Directors. Follow the below outline:

        1. Introduction: Introduce the evaluation and clearly state the purpose of the evaluation.


        1. Program Description: Describe the background and purpose of the program being evaluated.


        1. Needs Assessment: Although you will not actually conduct a needs analysis in this section, determine how you would conduct a needs assessment and the outcome(s) you would expect.
        2. Evaluation Goal: Based on the expected outcome of the needs assessment, along with your understanding of the purpose, discuss the goal of your evaluation.


        1. Methodology: Use a mixed-methods design for which you can clearly explain how both the qualitative and quantitative designs apply in the evaluation process. Include the following:
          1. Participants
          2. Setting
          3. Instruments
          4. Procedures
          5. Ethical issues
        2. Results:
          1. Discuss statistical tests that will be used to analyze quantitative data.
          2. Explain strategy that will be used to analyze qualitative data.
          3. Determine possible threats to validity (both internal and external) and steps that will be taken to control for these threats.


        1. Conclusions and Recommendations:

Analyze and hypothesize what you think the outcome would be if you had conducted this evaluation. Also make recommendations for the agency, program, or department based on your expected outcomes.

Your final product will be in a word document and be approximately 8-10 pages in length and a presentation of approximately 6-8 slides. Utilize approximately 5-7 scholarly sources in your research. Your deliverables should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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