My Perceptions of Research and the Scientist-Practitioner Model

Many counselors are fearful of research. This may be because of fear of math, statistics, analysis, or many other factors. This assignment is an opportunity to explore and articulate your perceptions of research so that you can move past any that are hindering you and move forward to gain the most from this course.


In a 3-5 page paper explore the following questions and articulate your perceptions.

What is your perception of what research is? What is program evaluation? What is the scientist-practitioner model? Define it and describe it as you perceive it including strengths, weaknesses, and your fears.

How have you been involved with research in the past? It can be helpful to note that most people are more involved with research than they originally imagine. For example, you likely do research online or by asking friends and family before buying any significant item (i.e. a car, home, degree, etc.). You may have also participated in surveys with your church or community and if you hold any of the discount cards like CVS or PetsMart, you are participating in market research.

Compare and contrast the difference between a regular consumer’s research and “formal” research completed by a “researcher”.

Curiosity is a benefit for researchers, what areas or topics are you curious about and wish to explore deeper?

What would you hope to discover about that topic of interest?


Assignment Components Proficient Max Points
Define research and describe it as you perceive it including strengths, weaknesses, and your fears. Described research in detail including your perceptions of the strengths, weaknesses and your specific fears. /10
How have you been involved with research in the past and what did you experience as a part of that involvement? Articulate at least two ways in which you have been involved in informal or formal research activities and what you experienced as a result. /10
Compare and contrast the difference between a regular consumer’s research and “formal” research completed by a “researcher”. The comparison between the two forms of research is articulated clearly and notes both similarities and differences. /10
What areas or topics are you curious about and wish to explore deeper? Articulated at least two areas of interest for further research with reasons why those areas are of interest. /10
What would you hope to discover about that topic of interest? Describes what goals or hopes are linked to the areas of interest which can guide how to effectively research them. /10
Academic Writing    

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and

display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements.  

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