This assignment is to design a media literacy workshop to present to early childhood (0-8 years) teachers.
- Create a workshop to introduce teacher to media literacy for young children. Include the following:
- The purpose or goals for the workshop.
- A description of the relevancy of this topic.
- An overview of the Media Literacy in Early Childhood Framework (Herdzina & Lauricella, 2020).
- Analyze the importance of two-three fundamental actions (Herdzina & Lauricella, 2020) and how they may be applied in the classroom and/or the home environment.
- Choose 2–3 fundamental actions of media literacy presented in the Herdzina & Lauricella (2020) article to explore in-depth. The actions are access, engage and explore, comprehend, critically inquire, evaluate, and create.
- Discuss two current barriers to media literacy for young children and your thoughts on a possible solution for each.
- Include a discussion on strategies to promote the involvement of families who may be reluctant to participate such as those for whom English is a second language, immigrant families, low-income families, and so forth.
- Design a sample activity for children 0-5 years old based on one of the six fundamental actions of media literacy.
- Specify the goals and objectives for this activity.
- Explain why the activity is developmentally appropriate.
- Design at least two activities to engage workshop participants with the content.
- One should be an activity for workshop participants to practice designing media literacy activities for young children.
- Another activity of choice. Some suggestions are large group discussion, small group discussions, analyzing a case study, applying frames, planning for application of media literacy concepts. You may also choose an activity not on this list.
- Develop an evaluation survey for workshop participants to complete.
- Reflect on what you learned from this experience that helped you to grow as a professional in the field of media literacy for the young child. What research influenced you? What further professional development will you engage in on media literacy? How will you implement into teaching practices?
- Remember to use APA style and edit closely for grammar, mechanics, and professional tone.
- Support using media literacy research from weekly readings plus library research.
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