- Apply analytical skills and problem-solving tools to the analysis of operations problems.
For this assignment, write a literature review suitable for integrating into your final paper. The literature review research will help build the foundation for your final paper. This should be a minimum of 2-3 pages double spaced, with detailed analysis applying research to demonstrate what you have learned.
The literature review is collecting and analyzing what is known about the problem as part of the problem-solving process. This research will help provide a foundation and further insight to understand why this problem in the organization is occurring, which should lead to your solutions section. Make sure that your literature review is several pages of detailed writing, expanding upon the specific topics that you are relating to the MBA program (as identified in your problem statement). It should NOT just be a list of references. It is also NOT just a description of what various sources are about. If operations management, marketing, and ethics are your main themes, those should be called out as part of the problem statement, and then you would have sections in the literature review describing what operations management, marketing, and ethics are, how relate in this instance. The topics that you are discussing in the MBA program (in this example operations management, marketing, and ethics) should relate back to the organizational issues identified in your problem statement (productivity, quality, adaptability, engagement, and so on). If there is a gap in quality and engagement, how that is related to operations management or ethics should be included as part of the literature review analysis.
Refer to ‘Literature Review: Conducting and Writing’ for example on literature reviews.
Sample Literature Reviews – Literature Review: Conducting & Writing – LibGuides at University of West Florida Libraries (uwf.edu)
To reference the problem statement example provided in week 1:
Example of a good problem statement:
The “whatâ€: CVS Caremark is a large health care organization that recently has lost several client contracts. One recent major contract worth 40 billion was lost to its major competitor, and now another contract worth 500 million was lost (Piefer, 2023). The reasons behind these losses are related to the overall quality of their services, their ability to adapt and find ways to offer less expensive options, and the lack of satisfying client needs. This is evidenced by previous investigations by the Federal Trade Commission, complaints from labor unions that CVS stocks expired products and violated privacy laws, lawsuits against CVS for mishandling of Medicare, and statements from employees regarding the quality of prescription handling (Schladen, 2023; Office of Public Affairs, US Department of Justice, 2013).
Where and When This is an issue that is occurring from the very top of the organization with leadership, impacting all aspects of the organization and has been an issue that has been occurring for many years, with increasing reports of investigations and complaints against CVS.
How much The loss of clients has resulted in billions of dollars in lost revenue, as well as the stock of CVS continuing to be impacted (Pifer, 2023).
Why This issue, in addition to being an issue in which the leadership of the organization has a role, is also driven by poor operations management.
This problem will be analyzed through the lens of operations management and human resources, to address the lack of proper quality controls and training that must be in place to ensure that privacy breaches and incorrect claim adjustments do not occur (Pifer, 2023). The training and development of front-line leaders throughout the organization should also be discussed, which is a role involving human resources, to ensure prevention in the future. Quality controls and proper training are essential in building trust with consumers, ensuring reliable products, and reducing costs (Simplilearn, 2023).
Who In some cases these clients have decided to take their services elsewhere as a result of these issues (Pifer, 2023). In addition, the employees are also impacted and may also help improve and identify the issues and solutions if involved sooner, and finally the shareholders are also impacted by declining share value due to a reduction in profit.
In our problem statement example from week 1, the topics that would be addressed in the literature review for this example would be operations management and human resources. Also, the organizational issues identified as part of the problem were quality, affordability, and unhappy clients. As part of the operations management discussion, we would want to write about the lack of proper quality controls. As part of this discussion for this example we might also include what is wrong with the current quality controls now, and what types of other quality processes are available based on research. So that might include six sigma, total quality management, standardization of processes, including companywide quality expectations. Additional discussion defining these terms such as six sigma, TQM, standardization and details on how they improve quality should also be included in this example, if this is what the student was writing about. The second part of the literature review would discuss human resources, and the responsibility of HRM to have proper training to ensure that privacy breaches do not occur. What training for front line leaders throughout the organization might look like based on research, and the importance of supporting front line leaders as well as having consistent policies and procedures in place. The literature review should also have a paragraph that addresses the organizational issues from the problem statement and how they related to these topics (operations management and human resources). For this example, there would be discussion that ties together how improved quality and training results in lower costs, as well as happier customers (with research to support that as well). Collecting and analyzing this research, to fully explore and discuss the problem, will help strengthen the alternatives and solutions section which will come afterwards. This is just an example of what kind of research or topics might flow from the problem statement provided in this example. Your problem statement will be unique, and the topics from the MBA capstone you choose to discuss for this section, and how they relate to the problem at your company will be unique as well.
1. Check the attachment for the paper.
2. the references can be as many as you find.
Thank you
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