This assignment is the first section of your Macrosystem Case Study and Application Project. Through a comprehensive reflection gathered from the interviews that you have conducted throughout the span of this course, coupled with the course readings, videos, and outside research, you are to develop your own case study applying critical concepts of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Your case study should:
- Take into consideration a multipronged approach to the situation about which you are writing.
- Exemplify various issues related to the macrosystem.
You will use the feedback received from this submission to revise the work you are including in the final submission.
The Case Study is a 2–3 page paper describing and analyzing your case. Begin with an overview or description of the case and then move into an analysis of the cultural implications. Be sure to anonymize all people and institutions/organizations you discuss.
- Analyze the cultural issues and influences related to family involvement in education (including family structure, economics, and ethnicity).
- Analyze the cultural forces and influences driving the way the school currently operates.
- Analyze other factors and organizations affecting the child’s education.
- Interpret how these influences affect the education the child is currently getting.
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