M3.3 Course Project – Milestone 3

Now, in Module 3, you will draft a thesis statement and evaluate your sources for relevance and credibility.

Step 1: Thesis Statement Draft



Step 2: In-Depth Evaluation of 1 Source


Step 3: Narrowing Your List of Sources



Step 4: Reflection




Your final submission should include:

  1. Your one-sentence thesis statement (copy/pasted from the webtext template on page 3.11).
  2. Your in-depth evaluation of 1 source through five categories.
  3. The 1 source you will omit and an explanation of why you chose to omit it.
  4. A short (~100-150 word) reflection on this activity.

Put all four components into the Milestone 3 Template Download Milestone 3 Template and submit the finished document by Sunday night of Module 3.


  • This assignment is due Sunday by 11:59 pm ET.
  • This assignment uses Turnitin.
  • This assignment will be evaluated according to the IND101 Milestone 3 Rubric. Make sure to review the rubric before submitting so you know how you will be assessed.
  • This assignment is worth 5% of your overall course grade.


Scope of Course Project Outcomes RubricDownload Rubric


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IND101 Milestone 3 Rubric


Criteria Ratings Pts  

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Statement

The work includes a concise, specific, one sentence thesis statement relevant to the student’s topic.

40 pts

A+ (100%)

The thesis statement is clear, concise, and specific to the topic, including a unique perspective that is broad enough to make a case, but narrow enough so that the case can be made feasibly.


38 pts

A (95%)

The thesis statement is clear, concise and specific to the topic, and is broad enough to make a case, but narrow enough so that the case can be made feasibly.


34 pts

B (85%)

The thesis statement is specific and appropriate to the topic but may be either so narrow that there is little room to make a case, or so broad that the case cannot be feasibly made within the scope of the paper.


30 pts

C (75%)

The thesis statement is provided, but the connection with the topic is unclear. The statement is too broad or too narrow to make a case.


26 pts

D (65%)

The thesis statement is too broad or too narrow and is irrelevant or inappropriate to the topic.


22 pts

F (55%)

The thesis statement is vague and unclear.


0 pts

F (0)

The thesis statement is not present or no submission.


40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome In-Depth Evaluation of 1 Source

The work includes an evaluation of one source for five criteria: relevance, authority, currency, objectivity, and verifiability.

30 pts

A+ (100%)

The source is clearly evaluated for authority, currency, objectivity, and verifiability with multiple, high-quality, specific details supporting each evaluation criteria. The evaluation includes clear and specific information about the source’s relevance to the chosen topic.


28.5 pts

A (95%)

The source is clearly evaluated for authority, currency, objectivity, and verifiability with details supporting each evaluation criteria. The evaluation includes clear information about the source’s relevance to the chosen topic.


25.5 pts

B (85%)

The source is evaluated for authority, currency, objectivity, and verifiability with details supporting most evaluation criteria. The evaluation includes some information about the source’s relevance to the chosen topic.


22.5 pts

C (75%)

The source evaluation is adequate, but missing supporting details for some of the evaluation criteria. The evaluation includes some information about the source’s relevance to the chosen topic.


19.5 pts

D (65%)

The source evaluation does not address most of the evaluation criteria and is missing support details. The evaluation includes some basic information about the source’s relevance to the chosen topic.


16.5 pts

F (55%)

The source evaluation does not address most or all of the evaluation criteria and includes no supporting details. The evaluation does not include information about the source’s relevance to the chosen topic.


0 pts

F (0)

No evaluation or no submission.


30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Narrowing List of Sources

The work lists one source to omit and provides an explanation for why, based on evaluation criteria.

10 pts

A+ (100%)

The explanation as to why the chosen source is being omitted is thoroughly laid out and is relevant and specific to the evaluation criteria. Specific details are provided to support the decision.


9.5 pts

A (95%)

The explanation as to why the chosen source is being omitted is clearly laid out and relevant to the evaluation criteria. Details are provided to support the decision.


8.5 pts

B (85%)

The explanation as to why the chosen source is being omitted is relevant to the evaluation criteria. Some details are provided to support the decision.


7.5 pts

C (75%)

The explanation as to why the chosen source is present, but not clearly laid out. The explanation is mostly irrelevant to the evaluation criteria. Few details are provided to support the decision.


6.5 pts

D (65%)

The explanation as to why the chosen source is present but is unclear and irrelevant to the evaluation.


5.5 pts

F (55%)

The work omits a source but does not provide an explanation for why.


0 pts

F (0)

No source omission or no submission.


10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reflection Paragraph

The work provides a 100–150 word reflection on the activity, including the components of drafting a thesis, evaluating sources, and omitting a source.

10 pts

A+ (100%)

The work includes a paragraph with insightful, unique, and cogent self-reflection on the activity, including many rich and specific details about all components of the activity.


9.5 pts

A (95%

The work includes a paragraph with a thoughtful, cogent self-reflection on the activity, including specific details about all components of the activity.


8.5 pts

B (85%)

The work includes a paragraph with a somewhat thoughtful self-reflection on the activity, including details about all components of the activity.


7.5 pts

C (75%)

The work includes a paragraph with a self-reflection on the activity but may not address all components of the activity.


6.5 pts

D (65%)

The work includes a paragraph about the activity, but it lacks any thoughtful self-reflection and does not address most components of the activity.


5.5 pts

F (55%)

The work includes a paragraph that fails to include any self-reflection about the activity or any of its components.


0 pts

F (0)

No reflection paragraph or no submission.


10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing Skills

Grammar, spelling, and syntax are appropriate for college writing.

10 pts

A+ (100%)

The work contains no errors in spelling or grammar and choice of words demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic, always using relevant key terms appropriately.


9.5 pts

A (95%)

The work contains no errors in spelling or grammar and choice of words demonstrates a good understanding of the topic, using relevant terms appropriately.


8.5 pts

B (85%)

The work contains a few spelling and/or grammatical errors and choice of words demonstrates proficiency on the topic using relevant terms for the most part.


7.5 pts

C (75%)

The work contains a few minor spelling and grammatical errors and choice of words demonstrate a basic understanding of the topic, sometimes using relevant and appropriate terms.


6.5 pts

D (65%)

The work exhibits consistently poor spelling and grammar and choice of words demonstrates a lack of understanding of the topic, often using irrelevant or inappropriate terms.


5.5 pts

F (55%)

The work exhibits extremely poor writing skills and incorrect spelling and grammar limit the reader’s ability to follow ideas or thoughts. Choice of words demonstrates a lack of understanding of the topic, with many irrelevant or inappropriate terms.


0 pts

F (0)

No Submission.


10 pts
Total Points: 100


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