Instructions: Replace the example wording in brackets below with your wording for each prompt.
IND101 Milestone 4 Template
1. Paraphrasing activity:
Quote from source (at least 5 sentences):
[Example: “The transition to electrification of vehicles will probably be gradual, for three primary
reasons: consumer caution when it comes to large purchases, the high initial cost of manufacturing
electric vehicles, and pushback from vested interests. There will be special circumstances, such as in
Norway, where rapid transitions are possible. But in places such as the United States, where the
automotive market is large and diverse, and many players are involved—including the thousands of
cities and states that impose rules and offer incentives—the pace will be slower. Cost reductions will
take time. Gasoline cars have benefited from a century of intensive development, while electric cars
have been the focus of major manufacturers on a commercial scale only since about 2010†(Sperling,
2018, p. 15).]
Paraphrase of the quote above (2-3 sentences):
[Example: The shift from traditional vehicles to EVs (electric vehicles) was rapid in Norway, but the same
pace is not expected in the United States, which has a much higher population, state and local laws to
contend with, and a large and diverse auto industry. In addition, consumers are often hesitant about
large purchases. This hesitance, along with the high costs for EV production, and pressure from
oppositional groups, will slow the transition. While the cost of EV production will eventually decrease,
this will take time; in comparison to gas-powered cars’ long history, EVs have only been widely available
since 2010 (Sperling, 2018).]
2. Integrating a short quote activity:
[Example: As Sperling (2018) argues, “petroleum-powered motor vehicles are a major contributor to
climate change, emitting about 20 percent of all greenhouse gases worldwide†(p. 12). Reducing reliance
on gasoline-powered vehicles by investing in the shift to electric vehicles can have a significant impact
on climate change.]
3. Current list of 4 references in APA format (with a URL included):
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."