
Why Disruptive Innovation Is So Important For Companies And Societies

Why Disruptive Innovation Is So Important For Companies And Societies [ad_1] Please read the below article on disruptive change, and answer the four questions below. https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/4-keys-to-understanding-clayton-christensens-theory-of-disruptive-innovation?c1=GAW_SE_NW&source=INTL_GEN_DSA&cr2=search__-__nw__-__intl__-__dsa__-__general&kw=dsa__-__general&cr5=434070851417&cr7=c&gclid=CjwKCAjwsO_4BRBBEiwAyagRTfgTznKvrjHtah3sMbPtgnahjhponHeB4PpzWT_E0vcLVcqt4eOq-xoCyXMQAvD_BwE 1. Explain the four models of disruptive innovation. 2. Give an example of a company or product that has been realized using that model. 3. Discuss why is disruptive

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