1. View the Aesthetic Experience and Perception video and read the associated transcript
1. View the Aesthetic Experience and Perception video and read the associated transcript in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module.
2. Look through the pre-approved list of VIRTUAL art museums in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module and choose your experience.
3. Plan for and schedule the time and date to do your VIRTUAL chosen experience.
4. After Virtually Viewing the museum, compose a research essay pertaining to this aesthetic experience based on the detailed instructions in the Aesthetic Experience worksheet. Incorporate terms from the list at the end of your worksheet.
5. Conduct the appropriate research to support your responses to the worksheet prompts. Be sure to cite all sources carefully. For this assignment, you are required to use and cite a minimum of five quality sources (including the precise link to your work of art). Those five sources should include:
(1) the textbook;
(2) the website of the museum that houses your piece;
(3) the precise link to the work of art itself;
(4 and 5) TWO quality research sources pertaining to your piece, its artist, style, and/or historical/cultural contexts. To find these sources, please try using Google Scholar and/or our college library.
Be sure to cite all your sources in proper MLA or APA format, including the event or work of art itself. Your complete “Works Cited” should be placed at the end of your third essay prompt; in other words at the bottom of the page on which you write your responses to the third essay prompt (before the Glossary section).”
6. Finally, submit your completed Aesthetic Experience Research Essay Worksheet to this dropbox folder. (Note: Be sure that the completed worksheet REMAINS in a WORD FORMAT and that your responses reflect in-depth critical evaluation and analysis based on research with careful editing/proofreading and research citations before submitting.)
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