1what are assumptions theory comparative advantage provide two your own examples where these
sociology fourum – Essay WritersFebruary 28, 2021 1.In your own words, contrast the forms of comparative advantage. Support your answer with at least two examples and detail where applicable. 2.What are the assumptions of the Theory of Comparative Advantage? Provide two of your own examples where these assumptions are weak or invalid, refuting the theory. 3.In your own words, explain the rationale for global expansion by an MNE. Your response should be at least 200 words in length for each question. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for an Amazing Discount!Use Discount Code “Newclient” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you. “Is this question part of your assignment? We Can Help!”