Consequences Of The Hyper Industrialization Of Food Production
URBAN SOCIOLOGY IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE (SOC 334) Answer questions with supporting details or personal experience. 3-4 sentence minimum for each question.You are welcome to draw on personal experiences in your responses, but they should be contextualized through reference to course material.
- What was the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965? How did this change in immigration policy transform the U.S. demographically? Why is it a problem to have undocumented workers ‘living in the shadows’?
- On page 6 of “The Megacity: Decoding the Chaos of Lagos,” a city resident named Adegoke Taylor is quoted as saying, “There’s no escape, except to make it.” Unpack this statement: What does Taylor mean? What is daily life like for the poorer residents of Lagos? How might their lives be improved?
- Jonathan Kozol describes the distressing state of many urban public schools. In what ways have the legacies of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision and the civil rights movement been betrayed? What can be done to redeem the promise of equal educational opportunities?
- The authors of “Black and Blue” discuss the stubborn persistence of police violence. How are police brutality and race related? What are some ideas that might reduce the use of excessive force and hold police more accountable to the communities they serve? (You can also reference the documentary, “Policing the Police”).
- What are some of the environmental, human, and biological consequences of the hyper industrialization of food production? How does Jeff Tietz’s article make you feel about the safety of the food that we consume? Is the current regulatory framework adequate or should it be revised?
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