How Partnerships Are Created Through Team Development
Discuss how partnerships are created through team development. Use the COVID-19 crisis to focus on the role of leadership in developing teams to mitigate, contain and treat patients.
A .How can a team of nurses have an impact on promoting safety while providing care to afflicted patients within the hospital setting, within the community, within the country, state and federal levels?
B .How should nurses deal with the media – TV, newspaper; social media – Facebook, tweets, Instagram, snapchat?
C. How can nurses influence policy such as legislation related to stimulus relief, unemployment compensation, pay protection.
D .How can a nurse protect himself or herself and the employer from lawsuits? What would you do if you were sued?
Please support journal #3 with peer reviewed scholarly articles less than 5 years old and the course text (s).
Supplemental references can be added as additional resources from .gov. edu or .org websites.
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