Dax Cowart’s Decision To Die

Dax Cowart’s Decision To Die



1. The major ethical question in DAX’S CASE revolves around the right of a person to refuse medical treatment and be allowed ultimately to die. Each person involved in this case made his/her choice to ignore Dax’s wishes and “treat” Dax. You are to write a paper explaining each of the following person’s viewpoints and identifying the theory that most clearly defines the action that the person took with regard to Dax. Remember that you are not expressing your views here but rather the views of each of the participants.

A. Dax’s mother – Ada Cowart

B. Dax’s lawyer – Rex Houston

C. Dax’s Doctors (only choose 1) –
Dr. Robert Meier–rehab

Dr. Charles Baxter-Parkland, Dr. Robert White-psychiatrist

Dr. Duane Larsen-surgeon

(The doctors’ decisions to treat Dax were based on very similar types of reasoning. Therefore discussing one doctor’s decision and subsequent theory will be sufficient.)

2. Describe Dax Cowart’s decision to die using the Warner Ethical Conduct Paradigm. Discuss each step of the paradigm and explain what you think had an influence on Dax’s desire to die rather than be treated. (Obviously, you are not able to have all the information about Dax and his innermost thoughts. However, you have been given many hints from the book that should enable you to piece the information together for a good profile.) 4-6K (2-4 typed pages).

* After reading Dax’s Case, if you have additional interest in Dax here is a web address of him speaking that you might find of interest. https://youtu.be/lSsu6HkguV8

Exercise 5 Dax’s Case


  1. Normative Ethics
  2. Meta-Ethical Thinking
  3. Teleological Theory
  4. Deontological Theory
  5. Ethical Egoism
  6. Kant’s Formalism Theory
  7. Divine Command Theory
  8. Utilitarian Theory
  9. Hedonism Theory
  10. Situation Ethics Theory


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