The Important Role Of Libraries Across The World
Infographic Poster (Soft copy)
According to Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, there are more than 320,000 libraries worldwide, 73% of them located in developing countries. In many communities, public libraries are the only place where any person, regardless of education or skill level, can have access to information and the Internet free of charge.
This assignment focuses on the important role of libraries across the world.
Choose a specific library (public or university) from the list provided and produce a poster of your chosen library to explain the following focus areas: (1) Background (2) Architectural style (3) Special Facilities
(4) Technological Innovation, (5) Impact on the Society. In conclusion, each poster should include at least 5 recommendations of what you would like to see in the AUM library.
Poster Guidelines
- The poster must be clearly presented and oriented in the “landscape” position
- The poster should appear on one page and done in MS Power Point, Word, or .pdf
- It should contain simple explanations in paragraphs or with bulleted text and images
- It should include the references
- The student’s name and ID should appear at the bottom
List of select libraries
- The Library of Congress
- The British Library
- Smithsonian Libraries
- Boston Public Library
- New York Public Library
- Trinity College Library in Dublin Ireland
- Library of Alexandria
- Bodleian Library in Oxford UK
- Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library
- Harvard University Library
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