The topic is to pick a problem relating to human sex trafficking And philanthropy. Do it through the lens of an issue (“Philanthropy and the Rights of Trans People,” for instance), a foundation (“The Critical Role Played by the Carnegie Corporation in Sponsoring the Myrdal Report on Racism in America”), a non-profit (“How the New York Immigration Coalition Diversified its Funding Base”) “How or a controversy (“Should Foundations be Forced to Sunset After 25 Years?”) . These are just illustrative. I’m also open to other creative suggestions.
Introduction and overview of the paper and its themes and arguments (one page)
II Description of the problem/movement/challenge, etc (i.e. rights of trans people, human trafficking issue, mass incarceration (two-three pages)
III. What you can find out about how X organization or foundation tackled the problem (what strategies, examples of grants, etc.) (three-four pages)
IV. Analysis — what is learned from this, recommendations for other funders and groups, challenges that the subject faced (two-three pages)
V. Conclusion — one page
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